Hawkes Bay Chela

Eckankar Members – please sign in.

We have a new sign-in protocol to increase security on our website:


To sign in, please enter our Eckankar NZ members’ key followed immediately by the last word in the title of Sri Harold’s lead article in the March 2024 Mystic World in all lowercase letters with no punctuation marks or blanks. If you do not have a current copy of the Mystic World just CLICK HERE to login at the main ECK website and view the latest issue online.


For example, if the members’ key is abcz and the last word in Sri Harold’s article is  Connection! then enter the password as:
The key is in the current edition of the RESA e-Voice. If you don’t receive the RESA e-Voice please email Eckankar NZ Spiritual Services for the key at spiritualservices.dir@eckankar.nz


Thank you for your understanding of this change.
